Workplace Giving Management For Nonprofits

Uncover invaluable workplace giving opportunities from your network. Leverage Double the Donation’s services to amplify your impact with matching gifts and supercharge volunteerism with corporate volunteer grants and more.

Their tools make it easy to harness the programs, identifying and engaging supporters eligible for workplace giving programs.

Workplace giving management for nonprofits

Through workplace giving programs, companies empower their employees to support the causes they care about by facilitating donations, volunteerism, and other forms of philanthropy. These programs, including matching gifts and volunteer grants, can significantly amplify your nonprofit’s impact, providing a steady stream of financial support and dedicated volunteers.

However, maximizing the potential of workplace giving requires strategic planning and effective management. That’s where a workplace giving management provider comes into play.

At Nonprofits Source, we recognize the importance of engaging corporate partners and their employees in your mission. Successful workplace giving management involves more than just offering donation options; it requires a comprehensive approach that includes clear communication, seamless donation processing, volunteer coordination, and robust reporting.

Our partners at Double the Donation specialize in optimizing workplace giving strategies, helping you build stronger relationships with corporate partners, increase participation rates, and ultimately drive more support for your cause. Let them help you unlock the full potential of workplace giving to make a lasting impact.

Double the Donation’s groundbreaking workplace giving solution will empower your nonprofit to:

  • Fully set up or audit your existing workplace giving accounts.
  • Develop strategies to boost employee participation and increase funding.
  • Optimize your communication and engagement efforts to connect with new and existing supporters.
  • Ensure your efforts align with industry best practices (e.g., auto-submission) and maintain compliance with relevant guidelines.
  • Establish and enhance your workplace giving programs with corporate partners.

What workplace giving services does Double the Donation offer?

An extensive database of matching gift and volunteer incentive program information

Customizable social media and marketing templates to power engagement

Free access to the industry’s only Matching Gift Academy for ongoing training and education

Integration support, connecting your workplace giving tools with your existing fundraising solutions

Monthly health checkups with a success specialist for ongoing account maintenance

Matching Gifts, Volunteers, and Ways to Give page redesigns, including a company search tool

Tracking, reporting, and analyzing matching gift data for ongoing insights

And more!

Workplace Giving Management FAQ

Double the Donation’s 360MatchPro pricing begins at $999/year for small nonprofits and $2,500/year for the Standard Plan. But that hardly compares to the $4 to $7 billion worth of matching gifts you can begin targeting with your efforts by working with our partners at Double the Donation.

Plus, you’ll receive ongoing one-on-one support from a member of the Double the Donation team to ensure your efforts are optimized for ongoing success.

We sure think so! Workplace giving programs essentially provide free support for nonprofit organizations, including matching gifts and increased volunteer incentives. This allows you to receive more funding and greater engagement with your cause.

However, without a dedicated strategy for targeting workplace giving opportunities, your team is likely to leave revenue on the table.

According to a recent study, 80% of nonprofits cited limited staff and resources as one of the leading factors causing difficulty building strong corporate partnerships and workplace giving strategies. Rather than let that funding go, we recommend taking a proactive approach to marketing workplace giving opportunities to your audience.

Now, we know your organization is juggling a lot already. The solution? Working with a dedicated team of workplace giving experts like Double the Donation!

We’ve seen the power that matching gifts, volunteer incentives, and other corporate programs can have, and we fully trust Double the Donation to help your group reach its fullest potential. By simply reaching out, your team can take the first big step in revitalizing its workplace giving strategy and beyond.

Workplace Giving Resources

Checklist: 10 Steps to Matching Gift Success

Access our easy checklist of tangible steps your team can take to breathe new life into your corporate matching gift strategy.
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Leveraging Corporate Volunteer Incentives

There are a ton of volunteer incentives going unclaimed, largely due to a lack of awareness. See how you can revitalize your strategy with the programs covered in this free guide.
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Matching Gift Automation Reviews

See what these organizations have to say on the power of matching gift automation. Get inspired by leading nonprofits' testimonials here!
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Can We Help Your Nonprofit Grow?

Double the Donation knows what it takes to make the most of workplace giving opportunities. Schedule a free consultation to chat about their services today.